Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dabbler or Similarist?

I was told recently that a certain book would label me a "dabbler," and I loved that word choice. It connotes play. It connotes fun. It connotes lack of commitment. Well, don't love that so much.

But even last week, a professional associate of mine noticed something else. A different perspective. He pointed out that, even unpaid, my primary skill has been identifying, mapping, and connecting similarities in formerly disparate disciplines. I'm what Bucky called a "generalist."

And what has been grabbing my attention is the seeming collapse of industry. In fact, perhaps what I'm seeing is "selection collapse". I'm noticing that everything is headed in the same direction. Fewer choices. It isn't that there are less choices to make, its that they are made by the time I get there.

Yes, technology splinters into new inventions and new products daily. And the trend seems to be simplification then proliferation. A huge breakthrough takes place and land lines are replaced by cell phones. Thousands of cell phone designs come and go. The iPhone sends most of them on vacation...

And it seems this technology is here much like people are. To celebrate self-expression.

So I'm convinced. The next Internet show, the next Vacuum, the leap in nano-technology evolution, is here to support my physical and spiritual evolution. Yours too.

I believe that one day this blog where ever it may be hosted (am I moving?) will be available via hologram through an organic chip in a voluntary place on your body.

And whenever you want to catch up, it'll be immediately available. And that's nothin'!

The Internet, and code, and dynamic programming is in its infancy. Just like we're seeing feature films move to the lap top and iPod, we will be seeing the Internet move out of boxes and into a highly collaborative medium. Thin air.

And we'll see through this shift that technology is here to support our unbridled self expression. It will allow us to reach the point of human kind. for each of us to empower others to be fully and wholly creatively self-expressed.

I'm dying to know what you think of this blurb. I invite you to use the Comments section below.
It's okay to be first. Technically, I was here writing this first. So don't be shy.

What is your stand on the evolution of humanity and the place of technology in our evolution?

(c) 2008, successful dreamer enterprises

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