Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Friendbook - In Your Face

In the age of Facebook, what is a friend anyway? Friendship used to be earned and kept. These days it is awarded and then steadily eroded through persistent complaint, narcissism, and judgment, peppered with laughs, insights and occasional evolution.

There are so many reasons to love and hate Facebook. What they ultimately got right is that people prefer conversation.

This song is a sentiment that I've heard from so many people over and over, it really makes the song hit home.

I like it because it is well-written, well-performed, and captures an idea incredibly well.

I like Facebook because it can be a platform for reconnection, forgiveness, discovery, transformation, humor, self-loathing... the whole human range.

Regardless, Facebook is here for now, let's make the most of it.

[click on the right to follow me on f'book]

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